Friday, June 01, 2007

'Vintage' Carolyn McCulley!

Captain Sensible writes: I had high hopes for Carolyn McCulley. I thought her new "both/and" perspective on getting married (ie. that we also need to play our part) showed encouraging signs.
But I was wrong.
On her blog, Carolyn all too predictably commends the hugely problematic sermon by John Piper on singleness by saying it was 'vintage Piper' and 'exactly what godly singles need to hear when they wonder what in the world they are to be doing until God provides a spouse'.
So there it is in a nutshell. Carolyn still thinks that singles need to find something to busy themselves with, while God gets on with His solo mission of providing spouses for people!
Where has this modern idea come from that it is wrong to proactively pursue marriage? This hasn't come from the Bible! This isn't what Christian singles have been taught for thousands of years!
It is a new mode of thought that has surfaced in this generation alone. A generation that has unprecedented numbers of singles in it.
Could there just possibly be a connection?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have found another example of a well-known and highly regarded Christian who is guilty of bad teaching on Christian singleness: Lauren Winner.

Check out this interview (fast forward to about 14:00):

And this lecture (fast forward to 38:49):

And Lauren Winner decided to get married...why? She actually had a lot of good things to say during the interview and lecture about dating and chastity, respectively. But her silly pronouncements on singleness in the church, in my opinion, detracted from the overall quality of her messages. How sad.

11:15 PM  

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