Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Do Not Be Yoked Together With Unbelievers"

Another in our occasional series showing wisdom and foolishness in the strangest places, and this time it is believing men that are (not yet) church-goers. Nothing wrong with dating or even marrying them, according to the Bible. Check it for yourselves: Christians shouldn't be "yoked" with "UNBELIEVERS". (2 Corinthians 6:14)
A world of honourable, believing men is open to Christian women that mourn the lack of decent men in church, if they would only open their eyes! (And who knows, maybe it will shake some of the men up that are in the church, when they see godly women that could have been their wives and mothers to their children, all pairing off happily in God-honouring, fruitful marriages -- and bringing a whole new influx of leadership-quality men into the church as well!)
Ladies - stop wasting your time, and God's, on men that choose to ignore the creation mandate and be fruitless like the fig tree that Jesus cursed! There is a harvest of believing men out there...
Now, what exactly are you waiting for, hmm? Hmmmm?

"Of course, life is c**p if you don't have someone to share it with. "

"Of course I want marriage and a family."

"Can I come to church with you on Sunday?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Captain, your comment to women about wasting their time and reaping the harvest of believing men is rather simplistic. Where would you tell your female readers to find these men? They are understandably seeking them in the church since a churchgoing man would be more likely (at least one would think, though it's not always true!) to be on a similar spiritual level and more committed to his faith. Isn't it somewhat more likely that if churched women start seeking out believing men who are not churched, that the women themselves may stop going as regularly? We tend to become like those we associate with.

I think a lot of your female readers would appreciate more clarification.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

Thank you for your comment, anonymous.
Yes, it is quite simplistic. But in a way, I think it is quite a simple solution.
I don't think women need to know where to "find" these men to be honest. Most Christian women get asked out all the time by non churchgoing men. It's just that they have had it drummed into them by the church that should just say no!
But the church isn't helping them at all, only telling them to "wait" and "trust". Church leaders are neither encouraging Christian men to step up to the responsibilities (and joys!) of being a man and leading a woman to marriage and being the head of his own family; nor are they seriously outreaching to men.
So, that's why I suggest looking to the Bible rather than what may possibly be "human teaching".
I would say accept a date and find out whether he is a believer or not. It's very easy to do. Then find an appropriate point in the conversation to ask whether or not they believe in God -- and just see what they say. I think many women would be surprised by what they hear!
I think it is a bit of a bogey to suggest that Christian women may stop coming to church if they date or even marry a (believing) man that doesn't habitually go to church himself at that point.
Rather, what I see as a greater danger is women not going to church because they are scolded for being "discontent" if they dare to say that desire a husband!
I don't for one moment believe it is "God's will" that the Body of Christ should be as female heavy as it is at present. By dating believing men, and hopefully bringing them into the fold of believers, we can solve two problems at once: Bring more men into the church and provide husbands for the Christian women that rightly long for them.
I am convinced that a harvest of men is out there in the world. Christian women have a duty to bring them in -- and fulfil the creation mandate to boot!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

I feel I should add, although I am convinced this is the right thing to do, it does need to be handled prayerfully and with wisdom, and preferably with the support of good Christian counsel -- although I am aware that is not easy to find given the knee-jerk reaction this suggestion often receives.
I would particularly guard against getting emotionally involved with an unbeliever. My point is that there are a lot of believing men that have an erroneous view of "church" and that is the harvest I believe God has prepared.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to add the following, which I hear a LOT!!!:

"Yes, I believe in God. I'm a Christian! Na, I don't go church. Church is full of hypocrites."

6:10 AM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

Apologies, I don't think I was very clear in this paragraph. What I mean is this:

'So, that's why I suggest looking to the Bible rather than what may possibly be "human teaching".
I would say accept a date and then during the first date (or at least very early on in the relationship) find out whether he is a believer or not. It's very easy to do. Find an appropriate point in the conversation to ask whether or not they believe in God -- and just see what they say. I think many women would be surprised by what they hear!'

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another couple to add to the list of things said by believing men who don't go to church:

On discussing a particular problem that the woman was dealing with, he spontaneously said:

"I'll pray for you."

A different woman was also discussing a problem and he said:

"I'll have a word with The Big Guy about that for you."

Christian women, PLEASE look OUTSIDE the church for believing men now! This is just too important!!! :-)

4:20 AM  

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