Sunday, July 01, 2007

Terror Attacks in the UK - The Church's Response?

Captain Sensible writes: Praise God that the three recent terror attempts in the UK failed. An eyewitness account of the Glasgow Airport suicide attempt in The Sunday Times makes quite chilling reading: One of the car occupants apparently doused himself in petrol and set himself alight and "had a big smirk on his face" as he did so. Despite being on fire, he also fought back against the Police and it was only when a member of the public punched him in the face that the Police managed to restrain him. The Police also tried to spray CS gas in his face but it was "not working". Another eye witness describes the man as looking as if he was in "a trance".
Serious stuff, right? So what is the church's response? No official word from the hierarchy of the Church of England, I don't think, but my local town's response was interesting.
We had already planned a joint service this morning with other churches across the area. Yet no mention was given to the terror attacks, and no special thanksgiving or prayer was said.
The main talk started well, with talk of Superheroes like Spiderman and Superman, accompanied by their theme tunes. Great I thought! Maybe this is going to be talk aimed at men, encouraging them to be bold and courageous men of God, and oh how we need them!
We were then asked to name Biblical Superheroes and people called out names like Daniel and David. What about the women, the speaker asked? Names like Deborah and Esther were called out.
Then the speaker revealed who his favourite hero from the Bible was.
It was Moses's sister.
How encouraging for the men that had been fired up with talk of Superheroes!
This was followed by a presentation from an organisation that provides Christian literature to schools and puts on performances for children.
And this is how we are supposed to be fighting a high level spiritual battle?
Yes, of course it is important to spread the Gospel to the town's children. But actually, the best way to do that is by reaching their fathers.
So, we are in the midst of a terror threat, and the best that the united churches of our town can do is put on a talk about children in schools and a female "Superhero".
Heaven help us...


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