The False Teaching of a "Gift" of Singleness
Captain Sensible writes: Thanks very much to the person that kindly sent me the following email, and who has given me permission to reproduce it here.
I hope others will find it similarly encouraging. Yes, we can and yes, we must put an end to the false teaching on the issue of singleness.
I found your blog via Debbie Maken's blog and I absolutely loved it. As any good American I usually fail to pay attention to what is happening beyond our own borders (although I can find Iraq on a map!), but I was really shocked and comforted (if that makes any sense) to find that this problem with the 'gift of singleness' exists elsewhere in the world. I guess I'm glad to find out that it's not just me or the few churches I've attended that are totally screwed up with this concept. After years of believing that God was not allowing me to date, I'm starting to feel like I actually have the freedom to do so (and have always had that freedom); and that it wasn't God at all, but false teachings that I had to endure since I was very young. Thanks for you voice on the net. I just wish others here in this country could do the same. Instead too many want to argue about the exegesis of I Cor 7; and they do this while the so-called heathen nations are birthing 5-6 children per family. *Sigh!*
P.S. Some food for thought (or a very good comeback). The famous 'Seek Ye First' verse that married folks like to throw at us is taken out of context. The whole context of that section involves money and the things money can buy. Think about Jesus' audience at the time. He was speaking to a bunch of married Jews. I'm sure there were a few singles in there, but for the most part getting a spouse was the last thing on their minds (hopefully).
I hope others will find it similarly encouraging. Yes, we can and yes, we must put an end to the false teaching on the issue of singleness.
I found your blog via Debbie Maken's blog and I absolutely loved it. As any good American I usually fail to pay attention to what is happening beyond our own borders (although I can find Iraq on a map!), but I was really shocked and comforted (if that makes any sense) to find that this problem with the 'gift of singleness' exists elsewhere in the world. I guess I'm glad to find out that it's not just me or the few churches I've attended that are totally screwed up with this concept. After years of believing that God was not allowing me to date, I'm starting to feel like I actually have the freedom to do so (and have always had that freedom); and that it wasn't God at all, but false teachings that I had to endure since I was very young. Thanks for you voice on the net. I just wish others here in this country could do the same. Instead too many want to argue about the exegesis of I Cor 7; and they do this while the so-called heathen nations are birthing 5-6 children per family. *Sigh!*
P.S. Some food for thought (or a very good comeback). The famous 'Seek Ye First' verse that married folks like to throw at us is taken out of context. The whole context of that section involves money and the things money can buy. Think about Jesus' audience at the time. He was speaking to a bunch of married Jews. I'm sure there were a few singles in there, but for the most part getting a spouse was the last thing on their minds (hopefully).
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