Monday, April 16, 2007

Urgent Call To Ban Dolls!

Frieda Fruitcake writes: It troubles me that we still see little girls -- even in church nurseries! -- playing with dolls, often cradling them as if they were a baby! Surely this can lead to later discontentment with the precious and wonderful "gift" of singleness, and the resulting holy barrenness it causes?
I agree with the excellent Kristin Aune, author of “Single women – A challenge to the church?”, that we should be teaching our young girls about the blessing of being barren and not encouraging them in their silly notions of having a family of their own!
As Aune so eloquently puts it: "Positive teaching about singleness can never begin too early, and children and young people also need to be taught its value...Young women...rarely consider the prospect that they may not marry, because they have not been taught a biblical view of the gift of singleness. It is not until they are in their twenties that the realization dawns that there are far fewer single Christian men than women and that their expectations of marriage may never be fulfilled. By this time, it can be difficult for them to get rid of the mindset which views marriage as a probable, if not definite, part of their future.”
Please join me in boycotting your local toy shop to persuade them to stop selling dolls to impressionable young girls! No good can come of it, particularly as if the church continues haemorrhaging men at our current impressive rate, by the time these young girls grow into a marriageable age, there are likely to be no men in the church for them to marry (hurrah!).
Church leaders, I implore you especially to stop filling your own little girls' minds with poisonous nonsense about marriage and babies! Instead, encourage them in the benefits of lifelong, barren spinsterhood -- such as an undivided devotion to their cats!
And you can stop any sinful thoughts of your own relating to grandchildren too, while you're at it!
God bless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what I could put in my children's play room if I took away the dolly babies, their high chairs, their cradles, their strollers and prams, their bottles, spoons, plastic food items, miniaturized clothing, fake pampers, dollhouses, etc. What would Abigail and Hannah have to tend if I took away the very identifications of their early stages of motherhood? I guess they could have their train set that goes around in circles and never really arrives at a destination. How true of their life that will be if they remain single without any purpose.

Debbie Maken

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this "get rid of the mindset" of marriage! Haha!
But on this note, "It is not until they are in their twenties that the realization dawns that there are far fewer single Christian men than women and that their expectations of marriage may never be fulfilled..."
Ah, but if they read the Bible they will see that they can marry BELIEVERS, so there is no reason why Christian women should be doomed to barren spinsterhood any longer!
Let the contented bachelors watch contentedly as the women they used to enjoy such nice "friendships" with all suddenly become permanantly unavailable to them, so they are stuck with each other for company! ;-)

3:44 PM  
Blogger The Prufroquette said...

Frieda...I love your posts.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frieda Fruitcake writes:
Thank you Sarah. My profound learning comes not from Biblical wisdom, discernment of the Holy Spirit, common sense and life experience, but rather, I trust in God.
Indeed shunning the above enables me to trust God all the more...

9:37 AM  

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