Thursday, March 22, 2007

Oops! Carolyn McCulley's Done It Again!

"Though singleness is a grace gift (1 Cor 7), that doesn't mean singleness is a bed of roses. Every gift has its refining moments. Even Paul suffered as an apostle and a single man, but that doesn't negate the grace given to him or the good purpose of God's plan for his life."
(Carolyn McCulley)

Captain Sensible writes: Does anyone know why Carolyn McCulley stubbornly insists on calling singleness a "grace gift"? Because I find it pretty baffling! Even one of her own pastors recently said that it was better to speak of a gift of "celibacy" rather than "singleness".
Here she gives a very vague reference to singleness as a "grace gift" (where exactly in 1 Cor 7 is this coming from, Carolyn?); implies that God gives us "grace gifts" that cause us to suffer, even though Jesus said that our Father gives us good gifts; claims that Paul suffered "as a single man" but gives no evidence for this (and there was me thinking he suffered persecution because of the Gospel rather than his singleness! Why? Because he had a gifting towards sexual self-control as shown in 1 Cor 7:7); and implies that the suffering caused by singleness is all part of the "good purpose of God's plan".
Is it even possible to be more wrong in just three sentences?


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