Saturday, June 23, 2007

Debbie Maken speaking the truth in love

Captain Sensible writes: Debbie Maken really has stirred up a brood of vipers!
From crazy accusations of being a "feminist" (and that's not meant in a good way!) to accusations regarding "tone", with its implication of "un-Christlike" behaviour (as if being Christlike means avoiding conflict, turning a blind eye to false teaching and perpetuating injustices!), Debbie Maken has certainly made an impact.
The former accusation can be easily dismissed: I suspect most of the prolific comments of this nature on certain blogs come primarily from one source: a vengeful, grudge-harbouring male that has been unable to get over a rejection from a Maken supporter, and hence allowed the enemy to get a foothold. The irresponsibility of the blog owner concerned to allow this commentator to comment so prolifically and so offensively -- unchecked -- is really quite breathtaking. (You'd have thought there was a clue in the fact that the commentator posted once under the name of Legion!) I can only assume that pride over the number of comments the blog appears to attract, has blinded him to the fact that it is primarily one person posting under the cloak of anonymity or various male and female pseudonyms. These offer a range of views designed to discredit Maken, including "female" supporters with anti-male rants, to attacks of an extremely personal nature. The foolishness of the blog owner in allowing all of this to take place on what is viewed as a Christian site, thereby discrediting the name of Jesus, reveals a deeply troubled spirit that has provided an unpleasant home for all manner of hatred. Meanwhile, not content with that outlet, said hate-filled commentator continues to daily inundate this blog with comments designed to cause varying degrees of intimidation and offence, including one apparently from Beelzebub himself!
It will be interesting to see what comment(s) he chooses to send in response to this post. I have news for you Legion, Beelzebub, or whatever male/female/anonymous name you choose to call yourself at the moment: Jesus Christ is Lord and I stand firm under His Lordship and authority. Now SCRAM!
There -- just thought I would get that out into the light! Some things have been hidden in the dark for too long now.
The latter accusation regarding tone is equally troubling, but in a different way. Broadly speaking, I don't doubt the good intentions of these accusers (and I am thinking of one in particular). Rather, I think this is evidence again of wrong teaching. The idea that a robust discussion is somehow unGodly (and/or inappropriate for a woman), is part and parcel of the sugar-coating of Christianity that we are seeing today, with its "meek and mild", hippy-like Jesus at the helm. So not true of the Jesus revealed in the Gospels, or even examples of the early church!
It's interesting to me how God orchestrates certain revelations. It must be about four times in as many days, that God has brought this misrepresentation of the Christian faith to my attention now, and although I don't believe hatred -- or anything like it -- is at this accusation's core, it too is dangerous and damaging.
The Alpha course's opening session begins with a talk entitled "Christianity: Boring, Untrue and Irrelevant?" and that accurately sums up the overriding perception of our faith in the UK. This "meek and mild" Jesus is a cunning invention of the enemy that I believe is seeking to destroy masculinity, especially in our churches. Admonitions regarding "tone" not only serve to (innocently or deliberately) detract from the salient points of Maken's message, they also feed the idea that to be Christlike means to avoid conflict, to just "be nice" and uphold a veneer of "unity" at all costs.
Debbie Maken chose to title her ground-breaking (but really very traditionally Christian!) book: "Getting Serious About Getting Married: Rethinking the gift of singleness". But what would possibly be more accurate is: "Getting Serious About God's Plan: Ridding the church of false teaching on singleness and marriage."
God has begun a good work...

Read Debbie Maken's latest blog article here


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