Monday, July 02, 2007

Spiritual Threat Level in the UK: Critical

Captain Sensible writes: A new system of terrorism "threat levels" were introduced by the Home Office a short while ago, to keep the public informed about the level of threat to the UK from terrorism. The system was designed to also help the police and other law enforcement agencies determine how they should respond to, and prepare for, a terrorist incident.
The threat levels are:
Critical - an attack is expected imminently
Severe - an attack is highly likely
Substantial - an attack is a strong possibility
Moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
Low - an attack is unlikely
I wonder if it would help focus the minds of our church leaders to do the same with regard to spiritual "threat levels"?
Obviously, given that just 6.3% of the population are regular church-goers, between 60 - 70% of them are female and a substantial percentage will probably be quite elderly, and given the fact that if nothing changes, the enemy will have wiped out masculinity from our churches in just 20 years' time, the UK is in a "Critical" situation spiritually.
So why are we acting as if the threat is "Low", putting on children's performances and introducing yet more women's ministries and prayer groups?
To me, it's akin to the Police and Intelligence Services spending their time organising family "Fun Days", children's productions and women's coffee mornings.
Would that be an appropriate response to the Critical threat level? Would the British public stand for that?
If not, why is it appropriate for the church?
And should we be standing for it?


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