Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oh no!!!

Captain Sensible writes: These are a bleak few days! The following announcement has appeared on Carolyn McCulley's blog:

"I just found out that my first about to be published in Russian. My publisher, Crossway, has also negotiated agreements to publish in Czech, Korean, and Portuguese--as well as English in the Philippines. Here's to hoping my American girly humor translates well!"

So soon, Russian, Czech, Korean, Portuguese and Filipino women will be reading all about how to esteem the false "gift of singleness"...
Dreadful news!


Blogger Kevin said...

Her book is already here in the Philippines--Filipinos can read English with zero problems, so you may want to consider changing that part of your post :)

A missionary who is re-examining the "gift of singleness."

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see more Amazon reviews giving Carolyn's book (and any others that laud the GoS) a frank treatment and low star rating. Just imagine, if enough people contributed enough negative Amazon rewiew and ratings to those books that defend the GoS, publishers would take notice, and there would be no mention of GoS ever again in the self-help literature to Christian singles. It wouldn't be hard to do, now that Amazon has a implemented a search function where you can find all the books in their inventory that contain a particular phrase.

Special blessings to you, Kevin, in your work as a missionary in the Phillipines. : )

10:46 AM  

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