Sunday, December 03, 2006

Meals for One - Now Even Easier!

Frieda Fruitcake writes: Fantastic news my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that are gifted with singleness!
The great British institution, Marks & Spencer, has now made our microwaveable meals for one even easier to prepare!
Now there is no longer any need to pierce the film on the packet before zapping it. No, the "cooking" instructions now read:
"For your convenience, no need to pierce film."
How thoughtful of M&S to think of our convenience in this way! I don't know about you, but I always found it a terrible bind to have to pierce the film.
Like us singles don't have enough to do already!
Admittedly, this may be something of a mixed blessing. In some ways, the outdated concept of actually preparing a meal from scratch does have a certain quaintness about it, and piercing the film did make me feel like I was putting something of my heart and soul into the food. Plus, my oh my, what personal frustrations we could release by stabbing at the tight film again and again with a sharp knife!
But really, who can truly be bothered piercing the film when it is just for one?
Congratulations Marks & Spencer for thinking about us busy singles in this way! First we were blessed with the gift of singleness, and now we have been blessed with the gift of no more piercings!
Praise the Lord!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Frieda for your informative post.
You certainly have your finger on the button, don't you!

12:29 AM  

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