Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Times They Are A-Changin'!

Captain Sensible writes: I have been very encouraged to receive this note from a brother in Christ. I have taken the decision to post it here in order to also encourage others that are working very hard to address all the faulty teaching we have in Christian circles at the moment, including: Debbie Maken, JM, and also D for some sterling work previously undertaken.
I hope that this encourages everyone that the times are indeed changing...

I love the blog and have a look at it 2 or 3 times a week. It really has helped me a huge amount and it has confirmed my thinking, and at last a Christian has stood up and encouraged Christian singles to get out there and get looking for a marriage partner. The blog is backed up with Scripture and above all loads of common sense!

In a way it has liberated me because it feels as if the enemy had put a sense of guilt in the back of mind about being active in the single scene, no doubt due to the faulty theology I had been fed since being in the youth group onwards.

At my church I was told to "wait on God's timing" etc in other words do nothing. I did this while I was in my twenties and suprise, surprise - nothing happened. I wonder how many other Christian singles this happened to and in the end it caused them to walk away from church and God because one of their deepest needs was unmet and they felt let down either by the church or by God?

I've had several discussions with friends on this subject, most of them disagreed but I came to the conclusion in my early thirties that actively seeking a wife wasn't wrong or a lack of faith. I've had 2 relationships in the last 2 years and I feel that I'm on my way now to reaching my goal in that I've learnt a lot about dating and relationships by experience and through seriously studying the subject. I know that I would make a superb boyfriend, husband and father for the right woman - I'm still looking for her of course :-)


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