Friday, May 11, 2007

The freedom TO marry and the freedom OF marriage

"When I got married I noticed something..I felt freer.
Since I had committed to a woman already I didn't have to be concerned with what other women thought. No more 'Is she interested? Should I go talk to her? What kind of person is she?' All that was gone and it was liberating. So instead of trying to get the attention of several women , I now had to concern myself about just one. It was and is a great freedom."

(Christian man on another blog)

Captain Sensible writes: It's something that doesn't get mentioned very often: the freedom that marriage brings. I remember being convicted of this a month or so ago, when I was deciding what to write in a wedding card to some friends. I can't remember what Bible passage I included in the card, but I know it was one relating to freedom. And I know that for certain because I remember thinking to myself how strange it was that such a passage should come to mind. We tend to think of marriage as curtailing certain freedoms, not releasing us. But I duly wrote the card, and this comment above reminded me of it.
Want to be free? Get married!


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