Saturday, May 05, 2007

Super-Stupid Quote Of The Day: #2

Captain Sensible writes: Having just received a copy of "Common Mistakes Singes Make" by Mary S Whelchel, I just know I am going to have oodles of contenders for super-stupid quote of the day!
Let's start with this:

"Matchmaking can be disasterous in many ways. First, you can be meddling in God's business. You really have to think twice before you start to maneuver people because it looks like a 'good match' to you. If you think there are possibilities in a relationship, just pray about it a great deal. God is very capable of doing the maneuvering, and when He does it, it is always at the right time and in the right way."

Now let's imagine for a minute that we are not talking about matchmaking, but a job opportunity. We have heard of a job opportunity that sounds ideal for a person we know that is unemployed and keenly seeking just such a job. Would we be "meddling in God's business" if we told them about it? Would we have to really "think twice" before telling them that this opportunity exists? Should we just "pray about it a great deal" and trust that God is "very capable" of putting the job in that person's path? (Which of course He is, but how shameful of us not to try to physically help someone when it is within our capability to do so!)
It reminds me of the tale of a man that was distressed at a particular injustice and cried out to God: "Lord, why don't you do something?" to which the Lord replied: "I have done something. I made you."
We simply must stop super-spiritualising singleness in this way and making marriage so much harder to achieve than it need be.
And singles are not helping themselves either by their over-sensitivity and hunger for affirmations all the time!
Whaddya want?
To be told: "There, there. You're single and it's all good"? There's plenty of that around and look where it's got you! You're still single! Stop cutting your nose off to spite your face! Unless we challenge the idea that singleness is great, guess what? Things are not going to change! And since when do affirmations and platitudes keep you warm at night, hmmm? Hmmmm?
(Oh, and btw, isn't it encouraging to know that: "Mary Whelchel hosts the national radio broadcast 'The Christian Working Woman' heard on more than 500 radio stations. She has authored ten books including 'The Christian Working Woman' and 'What Would Jesus Think?' She is also director of women's ministries for the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago." Sigh!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you got to the heart of things when you said we shouldn't spiritualise the singleness/marriage issue too much. It can stop one's romantic life before it even starts.

Of course, if one is single and really ready to change things, it takes much more than prayer and hoping.

7:47 AM  

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