Friday, November 16, 2007

"Single men are significantly more likely to die early than those who marry"

Captain Sensible writes: Having had an encounter today with a (married) deputy church leader who appears terrified to even suggest to single Christian men that they might want to think about finding a wife, I was interested to stumble upon this artice: Death can come early for 'toxic bachelors'.
Apparently "academics found that men who were bachelors between the ages of 19 and 44 were 58 per cent more likely to die up to the age of 50 than their peers who were married and living with their spouse."
So contrary to what our church leaders currently think, it seems the Bible was right all along: It's not good for man to be alone, and he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord.
Shame none of our married church leaders appear to have the b***s to tell the single Christian men this!


Blogger Paul said...

I'd like to recommend an excellent book on this topic entitled, "Men and Marriage" by George Gilder.

He shows how married men not only live longer, but are healthier, wealthier and happier than their single peers at every stage of life.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

Had a quick glance at this Paul, and although I have concerns regarding his attitude towards women and careers (does anyone know of any woman who chooses career over marriage and a family? Even Margaret Thatcher got married and had children!), there are some startling facts about how it is emotional, mental, physical, (and financial) suicide for men not to marry.
I just cannot understand why church leaders are running so scared of telling single men they should be looking to find a wife. They are doing such a disservice to single men, plus of course single women, the church and our society.
It is soooooo simple! Oh yes, nearly forgot, they have scales in front of their eyes.

4:44 AM  

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