Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Recipe for success in business: Get married!

Captain Sensible writes: The owner of ghd ("good hair day") hair products, Martin Penny -- whose company last year clocked up £120 million in sales and made a £26 million profit -- met his wife on a tennis court, was engaged three weeks later, and has now been married for nearly 29 years.
It is this "stability" that Penny thinks has been "vital" in his success as a businessman, according to an article in the Saturday Times magazine last week.

Saturday Times article (The relevant passage is seven paras down.)


Blogger LadyElaine said...

could you post a link of that article?

and one more question:
do you believe that marriage in and of itself is the foundation of a successful life?

7:41 PM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

LadyElaine - I have added it to the post. The relevant para, which relates to the vital role a wife plays in a businessman's success, is seven down.
As to your question, of course nothing other than God "in and of itself" is the foundation of life -- successful or otherwise! What a silly question! Was it genuine, I wonder?
But let me answer the gist of it with another question. Do you believe work (in whatever format ie. inside or outside of the home/Kingdom ministries etc) is the foundation of a successful life?
Remember, we are not in diagreement over God being first and foremost as the foundation of all life here.
Depending on your answer I may, or may not, decide to publish it.
Unlike some other blogs (ok, Boundless for one) I will not tolerate rants that spread false teaching.
Single Christians have suffered enough by false teaching, and no, this suffering is not a "gift" from God -- quite the opposite.

5:25 PM  

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