Friday, January 19, 2007

Singleness is NOT a Gift! We're Going to Shout it From the Rooftops!

Captain Sensible writes: My good friends at London Christians have sent me a copy of an email that they have received today. Apparently, every time they feel despondent at the strength of the enemy's stronghold in this area -- and they assure me that it really is EVERY time -- an email arrives within about five minutes, which hugely encourages them and makes them feel like shouting from the rooftops...
We are not going to "wait on the Lord" any longer, as we strongly believe that the Lord is waiting on us to act. And isn't that just a little bit rude? To make the Lord "wait" for the goldly marriages and children that He desires, because WE in our generation, have got it so wrong?
I thought I would post it here to share the encouragement to everyone that is working so hard in this battle!

To the group at London Christians.

I will not be able to attend the talk on the gift of singleness next Saturday but I thank God that it is going ahead. I am sick to death of people telling me to wait on the Lord for a spouse. I am not stupid enough to think that my biological clock will wait on him. Not many women give birth naturally (for the first time) in their forties, and men postpone marriage knowing that they can have children at an advanced age, with a much younger women….or so they hope.

I am so glad that someone has woken up to this, let this be the start of a new wave of thinking about singleness…move over Al Hsu!


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