Sunday, January 20, 2008

"Not good" for man to be alone...

Captain Sensible writes: I think I may have written on this study before, but it doesn't hurt to provide a reminder that God is proved right, yet again!
A recent study involving almost 67,000 men and women in the United States, shows that single men are significantly more likely to die early than those who marry.
Academics found that men who were bachelors between the ages of 19 and 44 were 58 per cent more likely to die up to the age of 50 than their peers who were married and living with their spouse.
What I find particularly interesting is that common sense "risky" behaviours could not entirely explain the differences.
Rather, it actually seems to boil down to aloneness...
Prof Robert Kaplan, whose findings are published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, said remaining single was linked with "more severe isolation".
"Having never married may be associated with more severe isolation because it is associated with greater isolation from children and other family members.
"Accumulated evidence suggests that social isolation increases the risk of premature death," he added. "Marriage is a rough proxy for social connectedness."
Pity the poor, lonely bachelor, living in fear of commitment in favour of "keeping his options open" for decade after decade, and being lied to by Christians who tell him that, contrary to the Biblical command to be fruitful and multiply, he is living a fine and Godly life by remaining single throughout his 20s, 30s, 40s and then, ooops, he drops down dead from loneliness...


Blogger bwdb said...

"Pity the poor, lonely bachelor, living in fear of commitment in favour of "keeping his options open" for decade after decade, and being lied to by Christians who tell him that, contrary to the Biblical command to be fruitful and multiply, he is living a fine and Godly life by remaining single throughout his 20s, 30s, 40s and then, ooops, he drops down dead from loneliness..."

...And the women waiting on this man are not fairing too well either...This article is so ON POINT...Looking forward to seeing more....


7:32 AM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

I would caution against any woman "waiting" - ever. Their bodies were not designed to "wait". (Neither were men's of course. God proved right and the contemporary church proved wrong - again!)

7:55 AM  

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