Friday, February 01, 2008

Be passionate!

"Successful people are not necessarily more gifted; they're just more passionate. What do you pray about? Cry about? Dream about? What are you willing to risk everything for? That's the well from which you'll draw your strength and your strategies when you experience setbacks, when others disappoint you, when the job feels too big and you feel too small."
UCB's Word for Today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember it well: There was me (single woman), a male elder, and an elderly male with leadership responsibilities, as part of a ministry team. I was passionately explaining about the need to outreach to men, and quoting research to back it up. The elder was silent and then got up and walked away - without saying anything. I asked him why he wasn't saying anything, and that if he thought anything I was saying was wrong, then to please tell me. He remained silent and continued to walk off, but the elderly man snapped at me and said quite angrily "Just pray about it then!"
I don't associate with them any more, and I have left that ministry team. In fact, I don't associate with many Christians now, only a handful. I find them almost inhuman, and I know I have been treated worse within that ministry, and also by some members of the church I used to go to, than I ever would by people that are not Christians.

2:38 AM  
Blogger Captain Sensible said...

There are some people -- correction, many people -- in "the church" that are very comfortable with the status quo. Even though the church is withering, someone who is passionate about change is seen as a threat. Because you are. You are a threat to their comfortable, safe, secure world. (The elder that walked away reminds me of the Pharisees, btw.)
Sometimes, trying to bring about change from the inside, can be too exhausting. You will be worn out from battles on the inside, before you even get to the outside world.
It seems like you may be joining a growing number that are forming a healthier new part of the Body, outside of any formal "church". Just stay connected.

3:02 AM  

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