Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stop the madness...

Captain Sensible writes: The times they are a-changing... but not soon enough for the single women who are still erroneously being advised to "wait on the Lord" for a husband!
This is so wrong, and I pray that every woman who has been badly advised like this will find this blog and that God will feed the truth into their hungry mouths.
In a nutshell, there are not enough men in church circles for all the single women (and even the few that there are, are also being badly advised to "wait on the Lord" for a wife, so that they are dissuaded from being proactive. You really couldn't make it up).
Add to that the fact that the male/female ratio gets worse with age (eg. at the age of 40, there are 4 times as many women in the church as there are men) and you have the biological clock to add into the mix, it simply beggars belief that anyone would think advising a woman to "wait" was a good idea!
Ladies, get out into the world and marry a Godly man before it's too late for you to have a family of your own. You are not being sinful, as many in the church will tell you. Remember, the Bible says Christians should not be yoked with unbelievers. So be very careful about labelling a man as "not a Christian" and disregarding him as a potential husband, just because he may be put off by the idea of "church", associating it in his head with elderly ladies, homophobes and misogynists (or worse).
And please pass the word of this blog around to your single female friends too, and together let's stop the madness!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Captain,

It's really sad, and it breaks my heart, to see so many Christian women deluding themselves in this way. I've read some of the stuff out there, and it makes me want to scream in frustration. I think to myself, "Girl, do you think that in the almost two decades that I was single, that I never tried "giving my desires to the Lord" "trusting in God for His timing." etc, etc, etc,. They don't listen. They don't want to know. You can't bury a desire for marriage and a family, for children of your own. You can't shove it under the rug. These little twenty somethings are so sad. They have no idea what they're going to feel like ten years, fifteen years from now. I do. It only gets harder, the older you get.

Tonight, I rocked my daughter before putting her in bed. We prayed for all her school friends, and we thanked Jesus for all the many blessings He has given us. I wish the same for all the single women out there who are lonely and hurting, I really do, but I am not optimistic--if they keep on the "I'm just going to wait on God" track.

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is important to say something that is not often mentioned - even on here.
The fact is that the pain of childlessness is far greater for women than for men.
So, married men with children who speak of "the gift of singleness", do so without any comprehension of what they are talking about - the pain and grief associated with being a childless woman.

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the women who say they are not worried about marriage being delayed, and the ticking of their biological clock, because "it will happen in God's time", here's the news: God has instructed us, and expects us, to be proactive and also address the problems that are causing delay of marriage in this generation.
Otherwise, why bother doing anything?

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's back to a "both/and" perspective again. We need to pray, and we also need to be proactive. Just as we would about any other area of our life - jobs, housing, health etc.

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Christian women will end up childless and alone, because of the church. And I wonder what that will do to their faith in God? God is being misrepresented every time a woman is told to "wait on the Lord".

7:17 AM  

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